In the northern:
You can find a pho restaurant in anyplace in Viet Nam. They put the hot special soup, which is made by bolding pock bones for hours, into a bowl that is already have rice noodle and some beef or chicken pieces…. We enjoy Pho with vegetable with chili or fish source.
Bánh cuốn:
Bánh cuốn is made from a thin, wide sheet of steamed fermented rice batter filled with seasoned ground pork, minced wood ear mushroom, and minced shallots.
In the southern:
Bún thịt nướng:
This meal includes cold rice vermicelli noodle dish topped with grilled pork, fresh herbs and vegetables and a sweet sauce.
Cơm tấm:
Rice, grilled pork chop, vegetable and sweet fish sauce will give you a delicious meal for lunch.
In middle area:
Bún bò Huế:
Vietnamese soup containing rice vermicelli and beef and this meal is very spicy
Bánh xèo:
‘Bánh xèo’ is Vietnamese style crepe with whole shrimp, thinly sliced pork and bean sprouts. We will eat this kind of food with vegetable and special fish sauce.
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